7 January 2022
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Passive Growth on Separate Property

7 January 2022, Comments: 0

Robach v. Robach Unpublished opinion from the Michigan Court of Appeals (Docket # 352077) This case involved a challenge of the Trial Court’s determination […]

25 April 2021
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When does Income become part of the Corpus?

25 April 2021, Comments: 0

Apparently the Michigan Court of Appeals believes this is determined by how the dividends are spent. In an unpublished opinion (Wolcott v. Wolcott Docket […]

22 December 2020
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Was Father denied his due process rights?

22 December 2020, Comments: 0

The Michigan Court of Appeals in an unpublished decision (Docket # 35281) held that the trial court did not deprive Father of his right […]

27 May 2020
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Award of Attorney Fees for Failure to Negotiate in Good Faith

27 May 2020, Comments: 0

The Michigan Court of Appeals in an a unpublished opinion (Docket # 347110) wherein the Defendant admitted that he had not settled the case […]

27 February 2020
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Child’s Residence for Custody Purposes

27 February 2020, Comments: 0

On February 25, 2020 the Supreme Court held that a child’s habitual residence depends on a totality of circumstances specific to the case, not […]