
25 July 2024
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Disparate Property Division?

25 July 2024, Comments: 0

The Michigan Court of Appeals affirmed a division of the Marital estate. Michigan case law provides that the goal in distributing marital assets in […]

22 April 2024
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Reasonable Preference of the Child

22 April 2024, Comments: 0

The Michigan Court of Appeals (COA) in Docket # 368002 vacated a Ionia Circuit decision granting a change in the custody which failed to […]

19 February 2023
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Modification of Negotiated Child Support

19 February 2023, Comments: 0

In a Published opinion the Michigan Court of Appeals affirmed a Trial Court’s modification of negotiated child support. At the time of the Parties […]

22 January 2022
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Non-Modifiable Spousal Support Against Public Policy?

22 January 2022, Comments: 0

The Michigan Court of Appeals (Docket # 353269 Elliot v Elliot) reversed the Oakland County Trial Court decision reducing a spousal support obligation to […]

15 January 2022
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Valuing a marital estate and phantom selling expenses

15 January 2022, Comments: 0

Ahles v. Ahles Docket # 351545 This case involves an appeal as of right of an Amended Default Judgment of Divorce. The Court of […]