
17 August 2017
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House Bill 4691 (2017) Michigan Shared Parenting Act

17 August 2017, Comments: 0

House Bill 4691 (Sponsored by Jim Runestad – (primary)Tim Kelly, Scott VanSingel, Peter Lucido, Roger Hauck, Triston Cole, Jim Tedder) significantly revises the Child […]

15 August 2017
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Recent Michigan Court of Appeals Decision

15 August 2017, Comments: 0

In a published opinion (Docket No. 329993)  the Michigan Court of Appeals  affirmed the Lenawee Circuit Court’s (Connie Joughin v. William Joughin) decision to reject […]

2 May 2013
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A Divorce Timeline

2 May 2013, Comments: 0

When people decide to get a divorce, they usually don’t know what to expect. Divorce is a complicated legal process, and it can be […]

24 April 2013
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Alimony – Learn the Details

24 April 2013, Comments: 0

Also referred to as “spousal support,” alimony is a monthly payment made by one spouse to another in accordance to either a settlement agreement […]

20 April 2013
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What Is Divorce Good For?

20 April 2013, Comments: 0

Normally, people contemplating divorce have some idea of what to expect from a divorce.  They have witnessed divorces on television and in movies, and […]